

夏天来了! 伴随着温暖的天气, I see this as a season for us all to carve out serious “off-the grid” or vacation time to reflect and recharge. Each summer I try to disconnect a bit from daily routines and reflect on what is truly important in my personal and professional life.

自从我2017年来到密歇根州立大学丹佛分校后, 秋季学期我回来了,更加致力于皇冠官网网站的使命, recharged and ready to seize the opportunities (and sometimes the challenges) ahead.

最近几周, 因为皇冠官网网站即将迎来独立日, I found myself contemplating the myriad challenges our nation is facing and reflecting on Pillar III of 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s Strategic Plan, 这就要求皇冠官网网站成为"公民和经济催化剂.” This role seems more important than ever in light of the various threats to our democracy we see playing out every day in the news – from critical debates in the Supreme Court and Congressional hearings, to challenges to free speech and academic freedom we see in higher education as a reflection of the general political polarization across the nation.

作为一名政治学家和职业公务员, 我深信皇冠官网网站参与式民主的价值. But in times like these, I realize we cannot take the strength of our democratic system for granted. 皇冠官网网站必须成为使皇冠官网网站的社会运转的进程的积极管理者.

This is why I am so passionate about our growing programs for public service at 密歇根州立大学丹佛. 皇冠官网网站的学生展现了他们参与公民活动的热情, breaking records for voter turnout and playing critical roles in the University’s engagement with our legislators. 这些活动是加强皇冠官网网站多样化民主的关键.

One thing I’m most excited about this summer is what a group of 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students is doing 1,离校园600英里. Six Roadrunners are enjoying paid internships with Congressional representatives, 华盛顿的政府机构和公共服务组织, D.C.,皇冠官网网站的第一批 总统联邦实习生. These students understand that the more Roadrunner students and graduates we have pursuing careers in public service, 皇冠官网网站的民主就越能反映出皇冠官网网站这个多元化国家的声音.

我相信公共服务是皇冠官网网站参与的支柱, 包容多元的民主. From 2017-20, I served on the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service, 其使命是激励更多的美国人参与公共服务. 随着 委员会的报告 观察:

The United States continues to be a radical experiment in inclusive representative democracy, 在世界历史上独一无二. What makes it so radical and so exceptional is the combination of its ever-evolving and expanding civil society together with the open and free discourse that fuels its political system. 在最好的情况下, these characteristics enable the United States to confront or prevent crises and to seize opportunities by harnessing the power of diversity of thought, 尊敬的辩论, 合作集中在一个共同的目标上. 但这些优势并不是与生俱来的  如果没有关注和照顾,他们就会处于危险之中. 

In our Commission’s research we found that nearly 24 million Americans participate in some form of service to meet our country’s needs, 不仅仅是军队或联邦政府, 但是在教育方面, 卫生保健, 灾难应变及, 是的, 当选办公室. 虽然这些贡献值得称赞, 皇冠官网网站生活在一个拥有3.3亿人口的国家, whose voices are needed inside the agencies and organizations that make our country thrive.

联邦机构正面临着即将到来的退休潮, 这意味着“路跑者”的毕业生有很多服务的机会, 促进皇冠官网网站国家的实力,同时绘制令人兴奋的职业生涯.

这让我想起了皇冠官网网站令人兴奋的实习项目. One of the traditional barriers preventing young people from serving has been access – many government and nonprofit internship opportunities are unpaid, meaning the only people who can seize these opportunities have been those who can afford to do so for free.

Unpaid opportunities lead to only the wealthy and well-connected gaining critical experience that leads to paying jobs and more prestigious positions, 创造了一个不能代表所有美国人的公务员阶层. 幸运的是,这正在改变 白宫刚刚宣布将首次向实习生支付薪水. 密歇根州立大学丹佛 is working hard to bridge that gap too by encouraging all employers to pay interns and stepping in to help close that gap where necessary through programs like 学习与收获总统联邦实习计划.

The goal of 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s paid internships in Washington is to strengthen our democracy by diversifying the public sector. 感谢慈善捐助, the program covers housing and transportation and provides networking and mentoring opportunities for our students. Our goal is to exp和se opportunities for even more Roadrunners in the years to come.

As we remember our country's founding this month and ponder the challenges of upholding the principles of our radical democracy moving forward, 学生们的热情让我深受鼓舞. 我等不及要在暑假结束时听到皇冠官网网站联邦实习生的消息了, and I look forward to the many ways in which their stories will inspire even more Roadrunners to serve.




点击这里了解更多关于联邦实习生的信息 or 给这里的实习基金.


大学免除土著学生的学费. 下一个是你的机构吗?? (高等教育纪事报)
在过去的几个月, 加州大学系统, 丹佛大都会州立大学, 明尼苏达大学系统, 和 State of Oregon have all moved to waive tuition for the vast majority of their Native American students.

多年来,科罗拉多州一直缺乏网络安全专业人员. 事情是这样的(科罗拉多太阳报)
Colorado schools like 密歇根州立大学丹佛 have ramped up cybersecurity programs as the world’s thirst for cyber protection grows. 但这不仅仅是一个大学学位的问题.

10 years into DACA, a Colorado immigrant leader says reform is still needed (CPR)
密歇根州立大学丹佛分校理事玛丽莎·莫利纳就是其中之一,000 immigrants in Colorado who have been granted temporary protection from deportation through DACA, 童年抵美者暂缓遣返计划.

$1 million 丹佛 facility planned to invest in higher education of brewers (丹佛 Business Journal)
The 1,500-square-foot Charlie Papazian Brewing Education Lab expects to be completed in early 2023.


国务卿安东尼·布林肯提名戴维森为气候小组成员, 健康和其他国际问题.

Alumnus Jeff Kloska takes the reins of the Colorado Air and Space Port and sets sights on the next generation of aerospace travel.

President Davidson talks with One World One Water Co-Director Nona Shipman about drought solutions in the West and OWOW's 10-year anniversary.

How finding a new support system has allowed transgender student Jayce Price to flourish.


8月. 18, 2022 | 5-7 p.m.
在正式的欢迎新生活动上表达你的支持. There will be food, games, music, and remarks from President Davidson and an 密歇根州立大学丹佛 alum speaker. 请回复召集会议

9月. 15, 2022 | 2:30-3:30 p.m.
密歇根州立大学丹佛 General Counsel David Fine will moderate a panel on freedom of expression featuring Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser, 前科罗拉多州国务卿韦恩·威廉姆斯, 戴维森校长和传播研究主席卡蒂亚·坎贝尔. 主办航空航天与工程科学论坛.


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